How much IoT data can an ioSphere gateway deliver over the SWARM satellite network?

The first question in any discussion about running remote industrial IoT over the new Swarm network is “how much IoT data can you get back over SWARM?”

A picture says a thousand words, so we thought we would share a couple of live data feeds that are coming back over SWARM, from a device connected to an ioSphere IoT satellite gateway.

The first feed is a range of registers from a solar inverter installed on a large solar array, installed on a dairy farm and operated by Solagri Energy

The second feed is the data coming back from a weather station installed on a vineyard in North Canterbury.

As you can see. Its a lot of data.

It’s also worth noting that these are both using the tier 1 data package that is offered by Swarm and neither of these installations is configured to test large data volumes. It is possible to quadruple that data plan and also, of course, to use edge processing and business logic to squeeze even more data through the system.


Connecting huge forestry machines to SWARM


First glimpse of the RiViR in-vehicle IoT gateway for SWARM